The year 2018 will bring, like all entries of each year, changes in the country’s economy. First, 2018 brings with it a 4% rise in the minimum wage, which will be set at 736 euros per month. Also, pensioners will also see 0.25% increase their remuneration. On the other hand, officials, have a 1.5% increase in 2018, although it is pending the approval of the general budgets. Despite all this, due to the rise of the CPI, we can talk about loss of purchasing power by citizens.
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go up …
- telephony and internet
The telephony and internet invoice will increase due to the increase in the cost of combined products packages. In this sense, companies such as Movistar and Orange have already announced an increase in the price from the coming months.
- gas
Gas is one of the items that is most expensive at this start of 2018. Regarding the previous quarter, the gas rate will mean a 6.2% increase in its price.
- cadastral value (IBI)
A total of 1,831 Spanish municipalities will review the cadastral values. This may be an increase in the cost of the IBI (real estate tax) and municipal surplus value. Although, it should be noted that it is the municipalities themselves who decide the fee to pay of the IBI.
- gasoline
The cost of fuels will increase during 2018. The price of oil and the devaluation of the euro against dollar, main causes of this increase. The year ended with the price of oil registering levels that were not reached since July 2015.
- light
The regulated part of the receipt, which occupies around 41% of the total cost, will remain frozen during 2018. However, the behavior of the wholesale market can affect the cost of light. The light of the light has completed 2017 with an increase of 10%, compared to the previous year.
- ipc
The CPI ended 2017 with 1.2%, five tenths less than in November. It is expected that during this year the CPI will be placed around 1.4%.
- tolls
As of January 1, 2018, the average price of the highway network will rise 1.91%.
- stamps
The seal for sending cards at the national level will cost 0.5 to 0.55 euros, at a 10%increase.
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and low …
- airport rates
As of March 1, 2018, airport rates will decrease by 2.22%. In addition, the 2020 flight plan establishes that airport navigation rates will decrease 3%, 4% and 5% in successive years from 2018, respectively.
- mortgages
The Euribor closed 2017 in negative, so mortgages will continue to be cheaper. On the other hand, it is estimated that the price of housing increases around 4%.